The legendary Rufus Wainwright and Martha Wainwright’s Christmas show, “Noel Nights,” has entertained audiences all across North America. Featuring three generations of the Wainwright and McGarrigle families along with Emmylou Harris and friends, this holiday masterpiece will bring the holiday spirit to Ryman Auditorium, Dec. 18 & 19, 2016.
Described by The New York Times as “typical Christmas-time family gathering motley, convivial, multigenerational, jokey, affectionate and tinged with both skepticism and faith,” the Christmas show has been a family tradition since 2005 when Kate and Anna McGarrigle released their classic album, “The McGarrigle Christmas Hour.”
Part concert and part family reunion the show was inspired by Kate McGarrigle, Rufus and Martha’s late mother. The show features many friends and family as guest stars.
Kate turned the show into a benefit after she was diagnosed with sarcoma (a rare cancer with underfunded research) in 2006. After Kate’s death in 2010, the family revived the annual benefit Christmas show tradition.
Now, after taking the show to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Montreal, it is time to bring this holiday spectacular to Nashville. “We are thrilled to bring this show to the heart of the American music scene, and the hometown of our greatest friend and supporter – Emmylou Harris.”
Emmylou, a close friend of Kate’s, along with the whole family, has been a part of the Christmas shows since the very beginning. She has been incredibly generous of her time and talent, and so this year, it’s “Nashville Noel Nights at the Ryman” with a new all-Nashville band. Don’t miss this grand Christmas celebration, with more guests to be announced soon.
Get December 18 & 19 Tickets Here
Photo by Benoit Rousseau